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The product is a great option for those who are looking out for Eco-Friendly measures. The body brush is made up of 100% natural coconut fiber, which is considered as a great cleansing measure since earlier times. It helps exfoliating skin and decreases cellulite formation on the skin, which is very common in old age. That is why the product is very beneficial for old age citizens, Easy to use and apply without any extra efforts. Weighing approx 115 grams, the product is light weight and easy to operate.
Blood circulation inside our body can be catalyzed by gentle massage over skin; this Body brush can be a great help to do so, with its tightly packed bristles it behaves as a soft massager for the body. With good blood circulation inside the body, your skin will automatically look brighter and young. The wooden grip finely made handle complements product usage and makes it easy to operate; it helps you reach overall parts of the body for complete cleansing. Simply start by dry brushing your body before shower or use the product while taking a shower. Both are equally beneficial.