“Happiness is licking the spoon”
You have heard people, especially chefs, saying this but let’s take the words in a literal sense. If we are cooking with a metal spoon and we need to sample taste, can we just lick the spoon? The answer is no. This is why most of the cookbooks mention “stirring with a wooden spoon” for all the recipes. If this is the first time you are wondering about this point then you should also add to the list what the other advantages are of using the same.
I always feel that spoons are the most important of the kitchen tools as you need a spoon for everything in the kitchen, be it cooking, tasting or serving. But again, just think how appealing your kitchen would look with a good set of wooden spoons sitting on the counter. There is no doubt that wooden spoons give your kitchen a touch of nature. And to accelerate health benefits Soulgenie has special wholesale prices on Neem wood spoons with discounts applicable on orders as few as 5 pieces. So increases health benefit of these spoonsand encourage their use to enhance taste and health among family and friends
Let’s delve into some of the advantages of using a wooden spoon over the popular metal spoon:
Feels Good To Hold

Wooden spoons have gently curved edges with rounded handles giving it a proper grip. The best thing about this feature is that it would not make marks on your hand if you grip it on tightly or would not numb your hand if you use it to continuously stir something for a long time as it is lightweight.
The Edges Do Not Meet At Sharp Angles

In the case of metal spoons, the base used for stirring or sautéing of food have sharp edges that can cut through delicate ingredients of the dish you are cooking. But this is not the scene with wooden spoons and you get all the ingredients as you wanted them to be. In one word the sliced potatoes do not get sliced further while sautéing.
Not A Conductor Of Heat

Another reason why using wooden spoons are better than metal ones is that wood is a bad conductor of heat. This means if you leave the ladle in the cooking pot by mistake then you would not have fear of burning your hands while removing it as it would still be cold, unlike a metal spoon. Another thing is that while savoring your favorite soup with a metal spoon can scald your lips with the hot metal, this is simply avoided by using a wooden soup spoon.

While stirring ingredients which is acidic in nature such as lemon curd or tomato sauce, metal spoons might react with the acids in the food leaving a metallic taste or a change in the color of the food that is being cooked. Wood, on the other hand, is non-reactive. Thus, you score another point for the use of wooden spoon.
In essence, the wooden spoon option is safe and hygienic which should always be your first preference when we speak of food.
So, now that you know why it is better to use wooden spoons rather than the commonly available metal spoons, add that to the shopping list on your next market visit!